Abrupt discontinuation of bevacizumab after recurrence often leads to a dramatic reboundphenomenon and rapid clinical decline.
Ús de rebound effect en anglès
Thus, participants should be informed of a possible reboundeffect before the administration of atropine for myopic anisometropia.
Sticking with the tried-and-tested may have a slight reboundeffect later on in the day, especially where practical matters are concerned.
As a reboundeffect from starvation, I began to binge eat, my body so desperate for calories that I'd lose control.
Simply tweaking current fat intake and exchanging foods can retrain the body and reap endurance benefits without risking the reboundeffect.
Tapering of the immunosuppressive load had no reboundeffect on the donor-specific reactivity, while it allowed recovery of the response to nominal antigens.
Conclusions: Prolonged dexmedetomidine infusion is not related to an increased in-hospital mortality, but it is associated with the reboundeffect of HR and BP.
However, high-fat and high-protein diets are nutritionally restrictive and can cause a reboundeffect-meaningyour metabolism can actually slow down once you're off it.
This response pattern may imply a reboundeffect during reinfection following treatment and resolution of immune regulatory immunosuppressive mechanisms in function during the chronic infection.